Please take your temperature in advance and refrain from participating if you are not feeling well.
Please disinfectant your hands and fingers before participating.
Check-in will be by group. Please have all members check in and fill out the agreement form.
※To prevent WHO’s 3Cs at check-in, please download the consent form from the URL below and fill in before your arrival.
Download Consent FormReception counter, dressing rooms and restrooms will be regularly cleaned and sanitized.
Bus will be cleaned and sanitized after each tour.
During the bus ride, windows will be opened for proper air circulation and ventilation.
Equipment will be thoroughly cleaned, sanitized and dried after each use.
To prevent spread of COVID-19, we at Good Sports, are implementing the
「 7-point Preventive Measures 」
as prescribed by the Hokkaido Government.
Good Sports (Hokkaido Ground Service)